Oh noooo! Here it comes again!
You can even see your stomach expand as your waistband tightens…. making breathing hard!
What in the world is happening?
Did I swallow an alien with my food?
No, you didn’t eat an alien! But your body certainly is responding like you did!
Frustrated because the list of foods that you can eat without a bloating episode is getting smaller and smaller?

So, what is really happening?
I’m glad you asked. The answer is…”It depends!”
There are a number of reasons we experience bloating after meals. It is a multi-faceted answer.
Some people have been able to narrow it down to a particular food, but even after eliminating that food from their diet, the bloating may stop for a time, but then it starts all over!
Many times, our body becomes sensitive to a what is normally a perfectly healthy food. This triggers the immune system to respond by screaming, “Stanger…Danger!”

Sometimes, we flat out eat too fast!
Ever been in a hurry during your lunch hour?
Too many errands to run?
Drive through is calling!

And don’t mention stress!
Enough said!
So frustrating!
But there is hope!
At Krager Wellness, I help people get relief by identifying those foods that cause the pain.
I undercover if there are hiccups in the digestive process and provide ways to improve them.
This in turn helps improves many processes throughout the body!
By understanding what may be causing the bloating and then making the adjustments can make a huge difference in your life!
I have created a simple “Quiz for Bloating” to discover how well your digestion is working!
Click the link here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGMXrzYduc/9RQdAWNNA5-leeKf84x6Nw/viewutm_content=DAGMXrzYduc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
Reach out to let me know your Score!
Schedule a Complimentary Consultation here: https://l.bttr.to/TotIe